More to come..t

There are mile to go for India to even try a fair chance for GST, DTC and Infrastructure investments to name just three seering gaps CLSA downgrade of India – biting for Sensex levels of 25% lower near 11000-12000 could be the ‘tru dat’ of a sinking European bank season aas it hits Asia at a very vulnerable time. No one should deny the loss of purchasing power of the rupee at a rate of 60 to the dollar . PPP terms should thus become wider from the current rates again

However, Banks are being targeted somewhat unfairly raising old concerns of it being because they are our only liquid stocks that run on financial assets that can be willingly spiralled into submission. And that is perhaps precisely the reason they could be targeted. One could see India testing hyoperinflation and other denuigrated “IMF tenets” of deficit economics being raise by this hot money tail As funds lose close to 20% and a s flight of capital also ensures lower than 80% availability of locked capital, it is unlikely that anyone can defend against the shorts .

Global fundamentals demand perhaps that India understand the downward spiral like the other sovereigns. Of course that still does not deny that we were at least 5-6 notches better than Italy and Spain, whereas we have been alooof to the crisis because the “developed world” of the med had a lot of downward catching up of ratings to do with the emerging stars like India and China. Unfortunately though, we have lost the chance to be an equal with China, irrespective of how proud we are of our distinctive identity

With the dip in stocks on non conformation by the RBI ignored for a late afternoon sell off, Nifty could well do another 250 points till Thursday. I would suggest waiting and watchin gon bargains with a holding capacity of 10-15% of paper losses at 4200-400 levels

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